Dementia: What is it?

Dementia: What is it?

Dementia is a broad term that refers to a set of disorders and illnesses that impair thinking, memory, reasoning, personality, mood, and behaviour. Mental deterioration disrupts your daily life and activities. It is estimated that almost half of adults aged 85 and up...
 How Does Stress Affect Your Brain?

 How Does Stress Affect Your Brain?

Stress is a common and inescapable aspect of everyday living. It takes many forms, ranging from the stress of juggling family, job, and school obligations to dealing with health, money, and relationships. When we encounter a possible threat, our minds and bodies...
Why a Goodnight’s sleep is Crucial for Brain Health

Why a Goodnight’s sleep is Crucial for Brain Health

After a sleepless night, we’ve all experienced that foggy, sluggish feeling. But being sleep deprived causes more than just fatigue in the morning. Our ability to learn and remember things as well as control our emotions and mood are all negatively impacted by...
How does smoking fuel back pain?

How does smoking fuel back pain?

Back pain is a widespread problem that affects millions of people globally. Although there are many different reasons, smoking is a surprising culprit that frequently works in the background. This seemingly unconnected practice has the potential to worsen back pain...
Demystifying the Brain

Demystifying the Brain

The most intricate and intriguing organ in the human body is the brain. Everything is under its control, including our senses, movements, and thoughts and emotions. However, it continues to be a mystery to many. This blog seeks to demystify the brain by examining its...